Trademark Renewal and Maintenance Services

Trademark Renewal and Maintenance Services


What is a Trademark Renewal?

A Trademark Renewal, in the context of international trademark protection under the Madrid Protocol, involves filing a Section 71 Declaration of Use with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This critical step is essential to maintain your registered extension of protection in the United States.

Why is it Important?

Failure to file the Section 71 Declaration of Use within the specified timeframe can lead to dire consequences. If missed, the USPTO will cancel your extension of protection, stripping you of the rights associated with your trademark in the U.S.

How Price Law Can Help

At Price Law, we understand the complexities of trademark maintenance and the consequences of missing deadlines. Our Trademark Maintenance package includes:

  1. Verification of Use: We provide a verified statement confirming that your trademark is in use in commerce for the products/services listed in your registered extension of protection. Please note that foreign use alone does not qualify as use in commerce.

  2. Specimen Submission: We handle the submission of at least one current specimen of use per class, ensuring compliance with USPTO requirements.

  3. USPTO Filing Fees: We cover the USPTO filing fees on your behalf, which are determined by the number of classes listed in your registered extension of protection.

Don't jeopardize your trademark rights; let Price Law safeguard your brand's protection in the United States. Contact us today to ensure your Section 71 Declaration of Use is filed accurately and on time. Trust in our expertise to keep your trademark secured and thriving.

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